Saturday, May 24, 2008

Pastures New

Having just returned from a few days in the Promised Land, you know, the one promised by T. Blair and G. Brown, I can understand why so many of its citizens are fleeing the coop. That number is dwarfed by those that would like to but are unable to do so for various reasons.
But the problem is where on earth do you flee to?
Australia would be a good bet I suppose and the United States citizens certainly give Brits a warm welcome, but the days of:

"Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

are long gone. In their place is a mind boggling bureaucracy that might deter any would-be immigrant.
Then there is the EU, many states of which are certainly attractive. If you have been offered a job there and have the appropriate language skills, they have much to offer over Britain which is rapidly approaching a state of anarchy.
But for those simply yearning for greener pastures there are enormous problems.
Firstly, many have obtained their knowledge and admiration for the continental way of life from a brief holiday sojourn – a far cry from living as a resident.
The problems facing them at home are all too often merely transferred to another jurisdiction with the added disadvantage of being in a different language.
Then there is the life style. Continental living, whichever state you choose, is not the British way of life and few adapt readily to the change. Imports of Marmite and PG Tips plus get togethers with other expats do not a life style make.
And Britain remains a wonderful country in spite of all its current problems.
I spent time in a small and attractive market town in East Anglia. On remarking how pleasant I found it, the response was “Ah, but you should see it at night!”
Now with the overwhelming unhappiness of the electorate with their government, with a Prime Minister who is in place, not at the behest of the people, but by a form of political nepotism, and with the rule of law now subservient to the rule of political correctness, health and safety and absurdities of human rights, is it not time for the electorate to take their country back from its inept government?
Governments in democracies are meant to be the servants of the people. The present incumbents clearly treat their citizens as a rather productive cash cow. How many former Prime Ministers have amassed a multi million pound property empire? Winston Churchill had to have his country house paid for by the generosity of a friend.
Rather than leaving a badly listing ship, it would be more productive to stay on and fight for the Britain that has been lost during the past years.
A bloodless revolution would not be the worst idea – and paying politicians a reasonable salary to ensure that they remain pro bono publico – and nothing more.


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